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Vieira Pocargil, SA. expects its suppliers to comply with the contractual agreements and to guarantee the conformity of the products/services.

We evaluate our suppliers according to the following requirements:

Supplier Selection Questionnaire

Ability of the supplier to provide the desired product/service by sending samples and/or specifications


Delivery times

Environmental and HSST Practices

We evaluate our suppliers according to the following requirements:

Supplier Selection Questionnaire

Ability of the supplier to provide the desired product/service by sending samples and/or specifications


Delivery times

Environmental and HSST Practices

Informação acerca dos critérios de avaliação dos fornecedores

A. Supplier Qualification

In the Purchase of Products and Services, where there is a Non-Compliance, 1.5 Demerits are attributed.

For the provision from the Environmental and Health and Safety perspective, a general assessment is made, taking into account the degree of compliance with instructions (Mod.160 – Instructions for visitors, subcontractors, suppliers and temporary workers)

Supplier Ratio – IF= ((( N.º Supplies) – N.º Demerits) / (N.º Supplies)) * 100

IF 90 Supplier Good –  A
50 IF < 90 Acceptable supplier, will have to progress – B
IF < 50 Supplier Not Acceptable – C

B. Non Conformity:

When the product and/or service does not comply with the customers' specifications. When there is no customer specifications, when it does not comply with Vieira Pocargil, SA requirements;

When the delivery deadlines for the product and/or service provided are not met and thus result in additional charges for Vieira Pocargil, SA.

If the result of the evaluation is B or C, the supplier is asked to take corrective measures to eliminate the non-conformities. In the case of C, management decides whether or not to be allowed to remain.

C. Suppliers indicated by the Customer

The supplier indicated by the Customer does not apply the criteria for selection and evaluation of suppliers. The supplier is placed in Mod.037 – List of Qualified Suppliers. In the event that the supplier does not meet the requirements of the Customer and/or Vieira Pocargil, SA, this situation is communicated to the Customer.